Pigment Web Site

For all the pigments we discussed in the Alchemy of Pigment workshop, I found a wonderful web site that has all the colors from minim to lapis lazuli to Egyptian blue to orpiment.


Egyptian blue pigment from Natural Pigment website. Egyptian Blue is a copper calcium silicate that was the first synthetic pigment and the most extensively used from the early dynasties in Egypt until the end of the Roman period in Europe.

Next is orpiment pigment powder from Natural Pigments .Orpiment is yellow arsenic sulfide, a rare mineral usually described as a lemon or canary yellow or sometimes as a golden or brownish yellow. Our orpiment is an intensely bright pigment of crystalline particles from Kyrgyzstan.

Warm cinnabar pigment from Natural Pigments
prepared from ore deposits near Nikitovka in the Doneckaia region of Ukraine. It exhibits a beautiful masstone color of strong red with a tendency toward reddish orange.

Minium pigment from Natural Pigment website (seen below). Minium, also known as "surik" or "surick" (Russian), is red lead, an oxidation product of lead minerals. It is an intense orange red that is opaque and works well in oil and egg tempera.

Armenian purple ochre pigment from Natural Pigments. Armenian Purple Ocher is a natural earth containing clay tinted by iron oxide that gives an exceptionally cool red hue. Purple Ocher is obtained from iron ore deposits near Lori, Armenia.

I had previously ordered powder pigments from Earth Pigments but Natural Pigments has a grater variety. However, the former site is pretty safe in terms of non toxic. Natural Pigments does offer some highly toxic colors as in the orpiment, cinnabar, minim, realgar and other derivatives from arsenic, mercury and lead. Use caution.


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